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Nebraska History Museum

by Manana Cho 2020. 7. 25.

(2020년 3월 15일)



Nebraska History Museum

★★★★☆ · 박물관 · 131 Centennial Mall N


학교에서 과제로 박물관 방문 및 소감문 작성이 있었기에, 학교 근처에 있던 역사 박물관에 방문하였습니다. 들어가기 전에 이처럼 앉아 있는 황소 (Sitting Bull) 이라는 이름의 인디언 추장이 세워져 있었습니다. 나 또한 당신네들 처럼 따듯하고 붉은 피를 가지고 있는 사람이라는 글이 뒷 벽에 새겨져 있었는데, 한국 또한 탄압 받았던 역사가 있었던 만큼, 마음을 울리는 말이었습니다. 



들어가면 일층은 고고학, 인류학 쪽에 대한 설명과, 네브라스카 주에서 나왔던 선사 시대 유물, 이층은 이민자 역사와 인종 차별의 역사, 개척의 역사 등을 주제로 꾸며두었고, 마지막 삼층은 네브라스카 주에서 일어났던 여성 인권 운동을 소개하고 있었습니다.

결론적으로, 네브라스카 주가 상당히 시골인만큼, 박물관과 역사 공부를 하는 것을 좋아하시는 분이라면 한 번 둘러볼만 하실 것 같습니다. 아이들과 간단히 체험해보기에도 괜찮고, 규모는 작지만 상당히 공을 들였다는 것이 보였습니다. 

다만, 확실히 규모 면에서는 네브라스카 링컨 대 내에 있는 역사, 미술 박물관이 조금 더 흥미로우실 것 같습니다. 



이하는 과제로 제출했던 소감문입니다. 


While looking around the overall museum, it was impressive how people restore the story and snapshots of lives with several artifacts and traces of people. Even it looks just a rock, it is astonishing how archeologists recognize whether it is part of animal or pot. However, not only for the artifacts, how Nebraska History Museum utilizes various ways of presentation and displaying methods to deliver the message to visitors seems creative. There were several points that visitors can interact with creative artifacts. For instance, there are bones, dirt, and brush so that visitors can experience how archeologists discovered those artifacts. Through this activity, people engage to use creativity by imagining what these parts/artifacts are for. People can be more engaged through watching how people live in that era through reviving the spot using pictures, items, and furniture. On the third floor, there is a room where women had struggled for the right to vote. Also, on the second floor, people can imagine how Indians had lived in Nebraska. Therefore, I found creativity from the visitors' participation board. There were numerous creative comments all around share your voice board, what archeologists think, and why do people come to Nebraska. The most impressive answer was the answer of children who replied that archeologist is a rock breaker.

While I watched Nebraska History museum, even all three floors handle three different themes; “Archeologists, Geologists, Paleontologists”, “Immigration, Race, Human Rights, and development”, and “Women’s right,” I find the connection that all of the traces are for the effort to live better lives. All the tools on the first floor, like a stone knife to cut something is for to live a more comfortable life and save energy to rip something hard. All the clothes have started from protecting the body and developed to express oneself also rely on human desire. I think all other farming, riding, and doing civil movement can be explained on the human desire which wants to eat more, want to see more and save energy for walking, and live better lives. Therefore, all the various vehicles, tools, clothing, farming tools, and housing are an interesting theme, I think the theme of human right is most impressive to me. I have a preconception that the United States is the country of human rights following the European countries. Thus, watching the attire of Ku Klux Klan, Minute Book, Head Ornament of an Indian chief, gavel, bills of right, and others gave me a sense of reality that now I am really in America.

Illust Drawn by Manana




