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분류 전체보기106

Breaking Down the Tower of Babel Although the people on earth are all made up of flesh and blood, cross-cultural communication is challenging. When people face foreigners, knowing nothing about their culture, language and so on, people experience like as talking with aliens from other stellar. Despite the fact "People are people (Barna, 2007)"; it is true that all people are different, and these differences let intercultural co.. 2021. 5. 7.
Grade, Self-esteem, and others Modern education had highlighted self-esteem as a significant factor which contributes to academic performance improvement (Booth & Gerard, 2011); however, contemporary education instructors have suggested that though self-esteem is not the only factor contributing to academic performance, but also other factors have more significant impacts on academic achievement. For instance, there was a stu.. 2021. 5. 7.
Analyzing Fiction : The Ingrate & In the Land of Free Racism from white men to non-white men dominated the United States from the 19th century to early modern, and numerous authors reflected this historical fact in their literary productions as Dunbar and Far did on their works. White men’s power caused inequality between white and non-white man as it was shown through slavery in The Ingrate by Dundar (2007) and Chinese Exclusion Act in the story o.. 2021. 5. 7.
KAC-UNL Dual Degree Program Introduction 1) How to use the Excel Template - Check your qualification status for KAC-UNL and graduation Please refer to the video instruction if you do not know how to use the file above. : youtu.be/l9wbSLGcuR0 Step by step Instruction (After you satisfy your requirement) 0) Participate in Online info session (Recommend) : admissions.unl.edu/events/on-campus/nebraska-info-sessions/ Nebraska Info Sessions .. 2021. 4. 7.
[에듀코 국어] 낡은 집 - 이용악 분석 낡은 집 - 이용악 분석 - 풀이: 회색, 긍정: 빨강, 부정: 파랑, 강조: 노란 배경, 요약: 녹색, 추가 설명을 위한 링크: 연분홍 배경 [1연] 날로 밤으로 ┖낮으로 왕거미 줄치기에 분주한 집 ┖ 흉가의 모습 강조 마을서 흉집이라고 꺼리는 낡은 집 ┖ 핵심소재 (흉집=낡은집, 일제의 탄압을 견디지 못하고 떠난 유랑민들의 폐가가 되어버린 집, 비참한 구한말(조선 후기)의 상황을 암시, 고국을 떠날 수 밖에 없던 민족의 애환이 서린 장소) 이 집에 살았다는 백성(=털보네)들은 ┖ 개인의 문제가 아닌 민족의 문제 (핵심소재) 대대손손에 물려줄 은동곳도 산호관자도 갖지 못했니라. ┖빈곤한 당시 백성들의 삶을 암시함 ▶1연: 어른들이 들려준 낡은 집(흉가)에 대한 이야기 ※ 풀이: - (은)동곳: 상투를 .. 2021. 3. 27.
Analysis of Plath and Sexton’s Confessional Poems; “Lady Lazarus” and “Her Kind” [플라스와 섹스톤의 고백시 분석; “레이디 라자루스(나사렛)”와“그녀와 같은 부류”] Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton were the representative women poets who lived in the same era after the Second World War. They studied at Boston University under the other famous confessional poet, Robert Lowell (Burton). As general confessional poets did, Plath and Sexton wrote their individual experiences of suicide, depression, and other taboo themes at that period. However, both Pl.. 2021. 1. 3.
Hair The central theme of this production, Hair, could be summarized into freedom, youth, and love. Main character Claude joined the Hippie group which seeking freedom out of the system, norms, violence, and so on. First of all, these Hippies showed antagonism over discrimination on the race which was rooted in people's minds in those days. Hippies against the war and government which force people to.. 2020. 12. 16.
The Dutchman Temptation, lunacy, and circulation can represent the play Dutchman. The motif of the events in this play based on the temptation of the human. Clay, the middle-class black who wants to be a poet and live as a rational white gentleman conveys his desire to be a member of white society during the play. For instance, despite the rudeness of Lula, who insults him as an Uncle Tom, Clay obeys her and.. 2020. 12. 16.
컴활과 MOS, 둘 중 무얼 따는 편이 좋을까? 안녕하세요! 링커리어 자격증 멘토입니다. 취업을 준비하시는 분들 모두 사무 능력 함양을 위해 모스나 컴활 둘 중 무엇을 취득해야 할지, 고민을 해보셨을 것 같습니다. 가장 일반적으로 말씀 드리자면 MOS는 쉽습니다. 물론 방심해서는 안되는 시험이기도 합니다만, 컴활 1급은 물론 2급에 비해서도 훨씬 쉽습니다. 제 경우, MOS 의 경우, 워드, 파포와 엑세스(혹은 아웃룩)을 하루에 몰아치고, 엑셀을 한 주간격으로 쳐서 한 달 정도 한에 MOS를 땄습니다. 다행히 저는 일을 하면서 위 프로그램들을 만져볼 기회가 있어서, 예제와 기출만 두번 풀어보고도 통과할 수 있었습니다. 하지만 컴활은 한달에서 두달 정도 공부 기간을 가지시는 편이 좋습니다. 잘 안 쓰는 기능과 포괄적인 컴퓨터의 이해를 요구하기에 2급은 .. 2020. 10. 16.